Thursday, November 10, 2011

Analyzing and Writing Arguments

I wrote my argument analysis paper based on the Get Smart About College article. These are the three points I have learned from analyzing the authors' argument:
  1. Saum and McPherson had well written body paragraphs to support their main idea. In those paragraphs, they stated a few objections a skeptical reader might have about college and replied with some plausible explanations. Although I do not believe their explanations are entirely true, this method strengthen the overall quality of the article by making the authors seem less bias than they already are.
  2. The authors wrote their article in an appropriate tone, which is friendly and understanding. The people mostly likely reading the article are concerned parents and confused students. It would have been counterproductive if the authors wrote in a tactless tone. Therefore, I now know how I present my words can be just as important as what I present.
  3. The last thing I noticed is the evidence provided. The authors mention percentages and statistics throughout the paper. This weaken their argument because the audience does not know where they are receiving the information from. If I want my paper to be a strong one, I will make sure to provide substantial evidence to support my claim.

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