Monday, December 12, 2011

The Final Stretch -Part 2-

I do not think I fully achieved all that I wanted to because I'm still having very similar problems now as I did when the class started. However, I would not change my goals because they are exactly what I need to improve my college level writing. Being able to write clear and concise thesis statements and supporting paragraphs are the very essence of an essay. Without them, you basically have a jumbled up mess. 

The strengths I would like to continue working on would be to analysis texts and correctly use the rhetorical situation. My weaknesses are mentioned above.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Final Stretch -Part 1-

For my portfolio I chose to revise my argument analysis. The strengths of my argument analysis were that I made some good points and I clearly put some thought and effort. The weakness were that I did not clarify my points and my evidence was not clearly tied to my thesis.

When revising my essay, I am going to clarify any and all pieces of evidence found within my supporting paragraphs. I am going to do so my asking myself how I could reword the information so that I might be able to understand if I were a reader of my own paper. For my personal response, I will relate the analysis section to my own personal experience with searching for a college. Overall, I plan to make the idea of the authors' bias writing be known throughout the paper.

"The believer is happy, the doubter is wise."

The most enjoyable essay I've written for this class is the ad analysis. I consider myself a young activist, and being able to chose an ad worthy of discussion made my day. Although I chose a Pedigree ad, I actually wanted to do one that had so many racist symbols in it. But for the sake of this blog post, I'll talk about the Pedigree one instead.

One of the first things you'll know about me is my love for animals. They bring joy into my life. When I first laid eyes on the series of Pedigree ads, I couldn't help but chose one for my paper. Not only did I get to write about a topic I'm passionate about, but I also had an OK time putting it together. There was structure. What I mean is that I could essentially break down the different parts of the essay into a well-organized outline: ad summary, meaning, target audience, etc. It was very clear as to what I needed to write in order to succeed. That doesn't mean it was the easiest to write, but at least I knew what to strive for in order to get a passing grade. Plus, who could resist the urge to talk about poor ol' shelter doggies?