Saturday, October 15, 2011

Help Change the World

Some aspects of the class that have been helpful to me are the papers. I'm not particularly fond of writing, but having to write about different forms really put me in my place. They showed me where I was as a writer and helped me figure out what I needed to refine. Therefore, my writing process has definitely changed and improved since the beginning of the semester. My weakest link is elaborating on key points in paragraphs and explaining their significance. Once I go back and pick out the sentences that are just left without an explanation, I’m able to ask myself why that sentence is important to the overall topic of a paper. If needed, I’ll jot down a few reasons why it is or isn’t on a separate sheet of paper. If it is, then I go back to the paragraph where I found the ‘lone’ sentence and fix it. If the sentence is not relevant, then I not only take it out of my paper, but I recheck my key again to see if everything else supports my paper.

Another huge impact on my writing is the Writing Center. Although it’s not directly in the classroom, it’s been a great benefit to me. I’m able to meet with someone who’s been in my position, and have her breakdown the parts of my papers. I always ask her to be as honest and, dare I say, ‘nit-picky’ on anything she may not agree with while reading. She pointed out that even though writers finish their version of a final draft, there is always room for improvement.

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