Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sad, Sad Doggy...

  • Purpose. The purpose of this ad is to promote the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive, their dog food, and raise awareness of sheltered animals, particularly a dog named Echo. In the text, it states that when you buy Pedigree, a donation is made to help dogs in shelters find new homes. The lower right corner provides the total donations to shelters in 2008.
  • Audience. The target audience is mostly adults who can afford to take care of a dog. However, it also attract families with children. The text features Echo's story of how she became the victim of a divorce case and how different her life is now. Many people can relate since Echo's story is very similar to others. 
  • Genre. This ad is similar to other Pedigree Adoption Drive ads. The main characteristics of them all feature a sad shelter dog behind a fence and dark background. 
  • Tone. The sad story about Echo while she is sitting in a dark lonely cage create a despairing tone. All the more reason for someone to take sympathy and help animals in shelters.

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